Youth Groups

Our youth activities include those for young adults, high school, and middle school students.

Young Adults

First Presbyterian Church Young Adults are a diverse group scattered across time and place as people of this age tend while seeking higher education, new career opportunities, and an expansive view of spirituality.   Some of our young adults grew up in this church and some came to know us through San Bernardino High School.  Young adult activities are scheduled as possible to include periodic retreats, leadership development, service opportunities, and time to enjoy together the work of God.  


Middle and High School Youth Fellowship

For 6th grade through high school, Fellowship of the Carpenter, our youth group, meets periodically at church after worship for lunch, conversation, and worship planning. They lead worship on some Sundays.  The youth fellowship also takes trips, performs service projects, and attends regional and national youth gatherings.  Check the calendar online, in the bulletin, or in the newsletter for schedule variations.












5 Core Principles of Youth Fellowship:

  1. Formation of Christian Faith,
  2. Service,
  3. Relationships,
  4. Leadership Development, and
  5. Adventures

Faith Formation

Young people are encouraged to participate in education within the community and in larger groups appropriate to their age, interests, and individual spiritual development.  Some will engage in Confirmation, Triennium, or Tapestry.  Youth have opportunities through the wider church to participate in Young Adult Volunteers, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and Presbyterian Women.

Parental Authorization Form

Offsite activities may require an Activity Participation Agreement.

Bridge to College Opportunities
Youth from 9th grade through early college years may be able to benefit from local and distance Bridge to College Opportunities.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.