First Pres Happenings
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William’s metaphysical musings are at
Onsite Partners
Our educational spaces are regularly used by:
Key Essentials to Behavioral Management helps children learn the social skills required to succeed in school and life.
Oak Tree Learning Center-D Street provides academics and social and emotional development for preschool children.
Straight Up AA meets weekly at 10 am on Saturdays.
Symphonie Jeunesse, our San Bernardino youth symphony, practices weekly and performs periodically at this church.
Community Partners
Explore the organizations with whom we partner:
Companions on the Inner Way provides a regular contemplative retreat experience.
We partner with local community members in Guatemala and Mexico to install appropriate water systems with Living Waters for the World.
LSSSC Community Wellness Campus (formerly CCLM) provides food, shelter, clothing, and community to the severely impoverished including the homeless.
The Obershaw Den, the Food Pantry of CalState San Bernardino, provides food and other material assistance to homeless and food insecure college students.

The Open Door Program of the Family Assistance Program helps survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Option House in San Bernardino and Inland Empire Chapter of House of Ruth, Inc. provide assistance for survivors of domestic violence.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance of the PC(USA) provides disaster assistance in the United States and throughout the world.
Presbytery of Riverside connects us to our larger church and is located on the campus of First Presbyterian Church of Redlands.
We partner with San Bernardino High School to accompany high school students in growing in communication and leadership skills.
Stater Bros. Charities and Stater Bros. Markets have been partners in our food ministry through periodic Harvesting Hope grants and bulk purchases of bread, peanut butter, and holiday meats.
Resource Lists
More contact information and links to partners who offer services to the community can be found on our Resources page.