Job Resources

The LifeSkillz internship program assists San Bernardino High School students in building skills and providing experiences to improve job success.  The following hints and job resources may be helpful for those applying for work:

Before you apply

  1.  Prepare a Master Application (Word) (PDF) – Fill this out when you have time to research and look things up.  Take it with you when completing the employer’s application (whether in person or online).  A complete Master Application helps you fill out the employers’ forms more thoughtfully, completely, accurately, neatly, and with less stress.
  2. Research the potential employer online.  Access their website and Facebook or other social media page and search your Internet browser.  Look for:  Values statements, tag lines, current advertising  campaigns, coverage in the news, photos.   Identify the types of products, customers, and services provided, company values, challenges, culture and setting.  Find the name, email address, and mailing address of the hiring manager.
  3. Consider how to get experience or direct contact with employees in your desired organization or field:  Does the organization allow students or prospective hires to intern or volunteer?  Is it possible to shadow someone for the day or do a ride-along? Do they have a retail outlet where you can shop?  If not the exact company, how can you get experience in the same industry?  Do you know any employees of the company or industry of interest to talk to?
  4. Update your social media profiles – Do your profiles convey the person best to hire for the types of positions you want?  If not, clean things up.
  5. Draft a resume for your ideal position.  Beware of online resume creators that charge you to retrieve or customize your info after it is entered.  Creating your resume from a template lets you control your information and the file.

Identifying job opportunities

  1. Follow local job-related websites and social media sites:
  2. Enroll in related higher education, skill certification (e.g. San Bernardino County Food Handler), training, or continuing education.  You’ll show initiative, be more prepared to be put to work, be in the flow of important information, may have access to a career center, and will make industry contacts who may have job, intern, volunteer, or training opportunities.
  3. Identify the process for getting hired and follow instructions exactly for completing and submitting the application.
  4. Customize your resume and write a cover letter for the specific position and employer hiring. Review the job description and highlight the skills, experience, and characteristics using the same terms.
  5. Make sure to carefully complete each application. See Guidelines for Completing Applications .

Before you interview:

  • Review your research about the company.
  • Prepare for common interview questions.
  • Practice genuinely communicating how your skills, experience, and character fit the position and benefit the hiring organization.
  • Locate the administrative offices and likely work sites.   Make sure you are clear where you are reporting for the interview. Give yourself extra travel time- time to park, go through security, locate an office, use the restroom, etc.  Be in place and ready to interview at least 15 minutes before your appointment.

After you interview:  Promptly Write a Thank You email

Before you go to fill out employment paperwork:  Find/obtain the documentation (school ID, government issued ID, Social Security Card, birth certificate) to support your Eligibility to work in the US.

After you get work:  Update your Master Application, social media profiles, training records, and resume with new skills and experiences, so you are ready to jump on the next opportunity!

Getting work is a job and you are evaluated throughout the process.

  • Is all paperwork accurate, complete, neat, and on time?
  • Is your manner professional in all phone/email interactions?
  • Are you polite to everyone you encounter – receptionists, interviewer, staff, client/customers?
  • Do you appropriately thank people – for their time, information, the interview, any accommodations?
  • Are you gracious and positive in either initial success or setback?
  • Are you continuously learning and improving?

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.