Food Program
First Presbyterian Church enjoys distributing food to our neighbors. Many of our food recipients need additional food and other services. Click here for Food Resources in English and Spanish (revised 11/20/24) given out with our food bags. Many of our program participants qualify for CalFresh (EBT) or other assistance programs (e.g CalWorks, Medi-Cal, Child Care assistance) administered by the San Bernardino County Transitional Assistance Department.
Click for 2025 calendar and program summary in English and Spanish
We offer two opportunities to receive groceries.
Tuesday or Thursday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (or until food runs out)
- In west (back) parking lot outside of Room 12.
- Drivers stay in driving line. Walkers & bicyclists approach table.
- Non-cooking bags available upon request.
- Hygiene kits available for people experiencing homelessness.
3rd Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (or until food runs out)
- Walk-up & drive-thru start in west parking lot.
- Enter from D St only
- Bring a cart or carpool to transport 2-3 bags of food.
2025 Saturday Distributions
January 18 May 17 September 20
February 15 June 21 October 18
March 15 July 19 November 15
April 19 August 16 December 20
By receiving food, recipients self-declare that: the name, address, and household size are as stated; The food is for home consumption only & will not be sold, traded, or bartered; and recipient household income does not exceed income limits (click here).
We gratefully acknowledge our donors and our community partners including Feeding America of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino and Stater Bros Charities for their significant contributions to our food program.
The Rauch Family Foundation is supporting our food program through help in acquiring fresh food, and in paying our interns for the many hours of work they do in the food program. We are grateful.
We serve the community in collaboration with other community partners listed here.
Additional Resource Lists:
- County COVID-19 Food Assistance: (County COVID)
- IEHP Resources:
- Community Action Partnership food distribution list
- Children Meal Services, San Bernardino Unified School District:
- SB Unified School District -Community Resources
Call 2-1-1 or visit for other types of resources.
Homeless Resources (not updated so call to verify):
- SB Co Homeless Partnership – Guide to Homeless Service Providers
- SB Co Operation H.O.P.E. – Homeless Resource Guide
Also see our partners on the menu under Events and Links.
Civil Rights
First Presbyterian Church is an equal opportunity provider of any Food Program assistance.
Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights
(Sum-up: there is no discrimination against anyone based on their religion, belief or practice, nor any requirement for anyone to participate in religious activities in order to receive food.)
We routinely refer every food recipient to alternative sites that may be helpful. If you would like a specific referral because you object to the religious character of our organization, while we can’t guarantee the availability of a suitable alternate, we will make the effort to find one. You can use this form addressed to First Presbyterian Church.
TEFAP and CSFP Beneficiary Referral Request Form
Food Volunteer Civil Rights Training
All volunteers, including visiting volunteer groups, abide by the non-discrimination statement and complaint process on the Justice for all-poster. Volunteers annually complete, sign, and submit to the Food Program Coordinator the Civil Rights checklist. Please contact the current Food Program Chair, for more information.
One way in which we accommodate those who are disabled, is through the use of alternates. Whether disabled, or just without transportation, a food recipient can authorized another to pick up their food by completing this form:
Alternative Pickup Authorization form (EFA15) in English 2024
Alternative Pickup Authorization Form (EFA_15) in Spanish_2024