San Bernardino High School

Supporting San Bernardino High School students through:

  • leadership circles (LifeSkillz)
  • internships
  • support of other SBHS Cardinal activities.

LifeSkillz weekly meetings

2023 SBHS Lifeskillz group
Celebrating 2023 LifeSkillz Graduates

When our goal is to listen & understand, we use Respectful Communication Guidelines & Mutual Invitation to provide a foundation of inclusion & trust to uphold the well-being of the gathered community

Respectful Communication Guidelines

R = take RESPONSIBILITY for what you say and feel without blaming others.
E = use EMPATHETIC listening.
S = be SENSITIVE to differences in communication styles.
P = PONDER what you hear and feel before you speak.
E = EXAMINE your own assumptions and perceptions.
T = TRUST ambiguity because we are not here to debate who is right or wrong.

Our LifeSkillz students wrote something so powerful that it was used to sum up this 30 minute LA Times documentary film.

High School students outdoors with guide
Trip to Palm Springs, 6/24, Guide: LS Alum, Ernie O,


Students who have participated in LifeSkillz may apply for paid internships at First Presbyterian Church.

Summer 2024 Internship Program Schedule

Intern and Intern Leader Job Description 2024

Intern and Intern Leader Job Application (rev 1/2024)

Applications due by 4:00 PM on Monday, May 6, 2024

Guidelines for Completing Applications – Whether for an internship or any other job application, follow these expert tips.

Job Resources – Tips and tools for seeking work.

Bridge to College Opportunities – summer and other college programs for high school and community college students.

Photos of San Bernardino High School Lifeskillz students and interns:

Spring 2023 Intern Team with supervisors
2023 Easter garden intern crew
2022 Fall intern team
Saturday distribution
Unloading pallets from large truck




Interns help set up drive thru food distribution in 2021
Intern helps load food into car.
Celebrating LifeSkilz Grads – Class of 2021

SBHS 2018 grad & former intern graduated from UCR in 2021.
Students help with food distribution
Lifeskillz students who helped with food distribution
Fall 2019 Interns
Weeds and trash – a good day’s work.
Gathering for lunch and reflection.

Interns bagging alongside other food volunteers.

interns woodworking
Interns working together on shelf projects
San Bernardino High School students make a sanctuary garden
Interns & leaders with garden they helped create.


Intern weeding with member volunteer
Weeding with new friends
Woodworking with Dave

Mark with Interns

Interns landscaping

Interns at Food Bagging

Gracious invitation for “Next Steps” at Kaleidoscope Summer Institute


Amy Smith & Eric Law on Pentecost 2018
It all started with Amy Smith attending Eric Law’s workshop & asking what could be done to connect the flow of resources between First Pres SB & San Bdno High School

LifeSkillz circles- Read how we got started in Eric Law’s blog.

2018 Life Skillz participants

Carmen at the lectern advising the 2018 grads to know how deeply this church cares for them.
Carmen (former LifeSkillz grad and Intern) advises the 2018 grads to know how deeply this church cares for them.
Life Skillz students at Recognition Sunday (Pentecost) 2018

Life Skillz Video



Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.