Education and Nurture

First Presbyterian Church of San Bernardino values education and experiences for children and adults to learn how to live as a child of God who is a disciple of Jesus.

While worship, giving, and fellowship are all learning experiences, following are some intentional spaces created for education and nurture, to explore scripture, wonder about our world, ask questions, and ponder God’s love.

During our Sunday morning education hour from 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.,  Adults are invited to participate in a Bible Study or other discussion in Fireside Lounge.

Following the “Time with Children” in Worship, children are invited to attend KidSpace for their own age-appropriate activities oriented to the same texts as the adults are addressing in worship.

Periodic Confirmation experiences are offered for those at 8th grade or older who wish to explore discipleship.  The experience may include a retreat, classes, support from congregational leaders, and public confirmation.  See Confirmation.

Child care in our nursery is provided for infants and toddlers during “Kidspace”.

We also offer “extracurriculars”:

The 6th grade through high school Youth Group (called Fellowship of the Carpenter or FOC) meets on specific Sundays after church.

Adults are invited to attend Presbyterian Women, Mariners, and/or Companions on the Inner Way.

We also explore and maintain resources for a variety of prayer practices.

Adults members can explore ministry and grow in faith through a 12:7 internship.  This strengthens the congregation by developing leaders and creates a culture of learning and growth.

Resources for Other Adult Nurture Experiences

Stillpoint – Retreats, Spiritual Direction
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center  – Retreats
Ghost Ranch – spiritual retreats and workshops in New Mexico
Companions on the Inner Way – contemplative retreats
The Work of the People – inspiring visual (often video) subscription.
Kaleidoscope Institute – building leadership for sustainable churches and communities.
PCUSA antiracism resources.

For further information, please  check the calendar online, in the bulletin, or in the newsletter and see pages under:

Children’s Education and Nurture

Youth/Fellowship of the Carpenter

Adult Education and Nurture

as well as News and Events.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.