We believe that worship which praises God and proclaims God’s Word not only connects us with the Holy One, but transforms us and reminds us of our identity as God’s own.
Sunday Mornings
10:30 a.m.
Worship in person and LiveStreamed to YouTube.
We send the order of service by email and post it, videos, and links to related reflections to Our Sermons. with notices on Facebook.
About Our Worship
Our worship combines a creative approach with beloved traditions. As a Presbyterian Church, nurtured by Reformed theology, our worship centers on the reading and preaching of the Word of God in Scripture. Music plays an integral role in our service, and we experience it as a way of giving voice to the sacred. We enjoy singing both traditional and contemporary music and spend time in reflection and in both silent and corporate prayer.

We have creative high quality staff and visiting musicians, with a sanctuary choir, bell choir, periodic children’s music. Curtiss Allen, our music director, directs our choir and periodic special music consisting of vocalists, brass, bag pipe, flute, and percussion. We have a variety of high quality instruments, including a Yamaha grand piano, an electronic keyboard, and a 30 stop Abbot & Sieker pipe organ. William Zeitler is our organist, pianist, and choir accompanist, and writes informational music boxes on different aspects of our weekly music in our order of worship bulletins.
Our previous sermons can be heard here. Children are always welcome! We hope that you will join us on Sunday! If you have any questions, call the church office (909-882-3308) or send us a note and someone will reply.
We also hold occasional evening services throughout the church year (Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday), Healing Services approximately quarterly, and Quiet Nights during Lent.