The Mission Assessment process involves listening to our congregation and community to discern the mission to which God is calling this congregation at this time and in this place. This process is helpful during times of change, such as before calling a new pastor. (For more about that see Season of Change).
The Mission Assessment Team (MAT) evaluated demographic data, surveys, congregational records, and other sources of information about the church and community. From this input, the team drafted a Mission Action Plan including a Mission Statement and Vision Statement and submitted it to Session for their review. In March of 2024, the Presbytery of Riverside and our Session both approved the plan. It will provide insights to the Pastor Nominating Committee and potential pastor candidates about who we are and what we sense God is calling us to do at this time and in this place.
On April 28, 2024, the congregation elected a Pastor Nominating Committee consisting of: Susan Addington, Mary Bolaños, John-Paul Fletcher, Brian Gano, Kendra Lamb, Jim Morris,
Shelby Obershaw, Christa Wallis, and Neal Williams.
They are reviewing and exchanging information with potential candidates to discern who has been called to work with us to live out and accomplish our mission.
We invite you to read this plan with an open heart and inquisitive mind. What did you learn? What do you want to know more about? What is compelling to you? What is hopeful? What might God be calling you to do as part of our mission?
Values, Inspiration, Vision, & Mission

“Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.”
-St. Teresa de Avila
(15th century Carmelite nun, Spanish mystic, and religious reformer)
Vision Statement:
With open eyes, open minds, open hearts, and open hands, we are becoming God’s love in action.
Mission Statement:
Moved by the Spirit, we strive to create an open and inclusive community embodying the love, forgiveness, and grace of Christ which we extend to ourselves, each other, our neighbors, and our world through nurturing relationships, creative celebrations, continuous learning, and transformational service.
Mission Assessment Process at FPCSB:
Guidance from the Presbytery of Riverside:
Jim Morris summarized the Mission Assessment process during our worship on 9/10/2023, God Will Lead. (minute 39 – 57).
The MAT considered the input from research, discussions and the responses to the following surveys in drafting the Mission Action Plan:
Survey 1: Why Are We Here (9/10/2023)
Survey 2: Our Call (10/8/2023)
Survey 3: Inviting (10/15/2023)
Survey 4: God in Our Church (11/12/2023)
Survey 5: Wants and Needs (11/19/2023)
Survey 6: Counting Our Blessings
Survey 7: Principles and Values (12/13/2023)
Survey 7 was also posted online here:
The Principles and Values survey was mailed accompanied by a Cover Letter dated 12/13/2023 asking for feedback on this document.
At the 150th Anniversary celebration we heard First Pres member stories about what this church means to them.
We also had an exercise to gather more information related to our principles and values.
For more information, contact the church office, any member of Session, or any member of the Mission Assessment Team (MAT).
- Jim Morris, Chair
- Mary Bolaños, Vice Chair
- John-Paul Fletcher, Publicity & Outreach
- Nancy Horstmann, Co-Secretary
- Marilyn Kraft, Publicity & Outreach
- Brent Nord, Co-Secretary
- Irene Sandoval-Suverkrup, Chaplain