Emergency Preparedness

It’s important to prepare for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. Here are some ideas to increase your safety and peace of mind, even for those more frequent events like power outages (https://www.sce.com/outage-center/preparing-for-outages)  and unexpected medical events:

  • Contact the church office to file or update your emergency contact card. 
  • Pick up an extra case or 2 of water for your home.
  • Check and maintain smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Create or update list of emergency contacts, health care providers & current medications.
  • Post emergency numbers near your phone and ensure your address is clearly visible from the street.
  • Pack or check your Emergency Kit (more details at https://www.ready.gov/kit) with a few first aid essentials, multitool, personal hygiene items, flashlight, gloves, change of clothes.
  • Pack or check your Car Kit (more at https://www.chp.ca.gov/programs-services/services-information/roadside-emergency-kit)
  • Create or update a pet emergency kit – photo, medication, leash/carrier, vaccination records.  (More at https://www.cdc.gov/healthy-pets/emergency-preparedness/preparedness-kit.html)
  • Make a “grab list” of items you don’t want to forget if you are required to evacuate  – e.g. cell phone and charger, wallet/purse, cash/credit cards, emergency kit, pets, pet carrier & kit,  current medications, USB data backup, portable electronic device, copies of important documents (birth certificates, passports, etc.) Put this list in an empty duffle bag to use for the smaller items you will gather from their normal places.  (More at https://www.everplans.com/articles/all-the-things-you-should-consider-taking-with-you-in-an-emergency-evacuation))
  • Stay informed: 
    • Have a battery-powered or hand-crank radio for updates.  In the San Bernardino Valley, our Emergency Alert System radio broadcast station  is 95.1 FM KFRG. 
    • San Bernardino County Fire Status website (https://sbcfire.org/#status) includes feeds from social media posts and the PulsePoint app summary of incidents.  You don’t have to hunt around or have direct access to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
  • Sign up for your local emergency alert system.  In San Bernardino County, you can receive emergency messages specific to your address.   Sign up or update your profile at https://www.smart911.com/.  No internet?  Call (909) 356-3998, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ask for TENS registration support.  Through Smart911 you can provide critical information to 911 dispatchers. The information is private and only displayed if you place a call from the numbers you list. Dispatchers can access information such as emergency contacts, medical information (allergies, prescriptions, medical devices, whether the person would require evacuation assistance, and more), utilities, and pets.

Together we can better be prepared to care for each other and our larger community.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.