Prayer Practices

Do you have an open space to explore new forms of prayer?

  • Could you make quiet time to experience the presence of God?
  • Do you have the opportunity to spend more time in creation? What comfort or energy does this gift bring to you?
  • What do you lament for the natural world, for your family, for your community?
  • What traditions of your family might you explore to expand your repertoire of prayer practice?

Here are some practices and resources for your prayer life:

  • Imaginative Prayer: Place yourself in a Biblical scene and imagine what you see, hear, smell, and the emotions and insights that occur to you.
  • Practice: I Love You, I Love You (James Finley)
  • Loving Kindness:  Beginning with yourself extend unconditional love in expanding circles outward.  This version is by Richard Rohr of the Center for Action and Contemplation.
  • Be Still:  Gravity brings you several varieties of this simple practice based on Psalm 46:10.
  • Caim Prayer: Circle prayer:  ‘Keep  ____ within, keep ____ without.’
  • Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer: Pray the scriptures and open to hear a transforming word from God.  Choose a sacred word to consent to God’s presence and action.
  • Praying in Color:  Use coloring books or templates to meditate and focus your attention on prayer concerns.
  • Breath prayer: Rhythmically repeat words or phrases.   Another description of Breath prayer at  Gravity.
  • Examen Prayer: Review a segment of your life in light of God’s providential care.
  • Walk a labyrinth:  Walk a winding path leading in and out of a central space as in a journey.  Guide to Labyrinth Prayer
  • Finger labyrinth:  Trace a winding path leading in and out of a central space as in a journey.
  • Praying with Art – Visio Divina:  Using images like scripture in a manner similar to Lectio Divina. Also includes the development of visual arts, such as photographing contemplatively.
  • Welcoming Prayer:  A practice that embraces painful emotions experienced in the body rather than avoiding them or trying to suppress them. It does not embrace the suffering as such but the presence of the Holy Spirit in the particular pain, whether physical, emotional, or mental.

Open Space – Focus your attention with practices offered in worship Hand-Drawn-Mandala

World in Prayer – World-wide current events for prayer.

Praying for the World 7-week Course – 7 lessons for connecting your prayers with the concerns of the world around you.

You might include our local and national leaders – congregational leaders, presbytery leaders, and missionaries.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.