
The session is the board of elders and is responsible for the mission and governance of a particular church within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The elders oversee all aspects of the life of a congregation. We have organized our session around these essential ministries:

  • Building and Grounds: Addresses the many issues of being good stewards of our property and campus.
  • Nurture Committee: Oversees all aspects of discipleship and spiritual development of our congregation, specifically overseeing the Christian nurture of our children, youth, and adults.
  • Worship Committee: Oversees all aspects of our corporate worship, including Sunday morning worship and special services throughout the year, such as our Advent and Lenten quiet nights, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve services.
Moderator: Steve Smith
Clerk of Session: Amy Smith
Treasurer: John-Paul Fletcher


Financial Stewardship Margaret Doane (2025), Chair
Jon Horstmann (2025)
Phyllis Hough (2025)
Building and Grounds Pat Morris (2027), Chair
Norm Wallis (2026)
Neal Williams (2027)
Nurture Lily Bolanos, (2025), Chair
Jeanne Clark (2026)
Kathy Showman (2026)
Worship Mary Bolanos, Chair
Sue Alexander (2026)
Katie Smith (2027)
Personnel Amy Smith,  Chair
Susan Skoglund (2027)

NOTE: Number following each name indicates year term expires. Officers generally serve 3-year terms.

2024 Session. Standing from left: Steve Smith, Amy Smith, Sue Alexander, Jonathan Horstman,  Margaret Doane, Norm Wallis, Pat Morris,  Wendy Lamb.  Seated from Left: Martha Pinckney, Kathy Showman, Jeanne Clark, Mary Bolaños.  Not pictured:  Lily Bolaños, Phyllis Hough, Brooke Dvorak.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.