
Deacons share and teach care and compassion for those both in and outside our community of faith.

We organize our Board of Deacons along three essential ministries:

  • Congregational Care: We care for those within our community of faith who are ill, injured, home-bound, or otherwise incapacitated. We also oversee the preparation for Holy Communion and some of our church-wide fellowship events.
  • Community Outreach: We support local missions and help the congregation  be engaged in transformational work in our community and larger world.
  •  Food Program: We provide food to those in need through a monthly food distribution on the third Saturday of each month (9 a.m. – 11 a.m.), and with emergency bags of food distributed from the west parking lot on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.)   See  Resources page.

Click here for Amazon wish list for hygiene & comfort kit items.
Also here as a printable pdf.  

Moderator: Mindy Rueda
Vice Moderator:  Brad Smith
Secretary:  Kristine French
Pastoral Support
:  The Rev. Dr. Stephen Smith
Congregational Care Joyce Lyons (2026), Chairperson
Rebecca Allen (2025)
Kristine French (2026)
Jim Siegmund (2027)
Community Outreach Brad Smith (2025), Chairperson
Joanna Nord (2026)
Kyle Smith (2027)
Christian Usher (2027)
Food Program Rick Rodriguez (2027), Chairperson
Kristina French (2026)
Dave Thomas (2025)
Chris Wright-Thomas (2025)
NOTE: Number following each name indicates year term expires. Deacons generally serve 3-year terms.
Board of Deacon members, Rick, Joanna, Dave, Dan, Steve, Rebecca, Joyce, Mindy.
Back row:  Rick Rodriguez, Joanna Nord, Dave Thomas, Dan Direen. Front row:  Steve Smith, Rebecca Allen, Joyce Lyons, Mindy Rueda.




Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.