The Whole Story
November 26, 2023

The Whole Story

Passage: John 1:1-14, Luke 2:4-7, Matthew 2:1-2, Matthew 3:16-4:1, Matthew 21:6-9, John 13:34-35, Isaiah 53:3-6, Luke 24:1-5, Acts 2:1-4, Matthew 22:37-39
Service Type:

Next Sunday we begin a new church year with Advent, so this week we review the whole story from Advent to the Reign of Christ.   Join us for worship at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary or by Livestream on YouTube.

Order of Service

See William’s Musical and Metaphysical Musings at

Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-706254. All rights reserved.

We are starting to collect MAT Survey 6: Counting Our Blessings today.  If you have missed any surveys or have questions about the process, check the Mission Assessment Team page.

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