The Leonard Family Scholarship was established in 1986 with a gift from Edith Leonard, a former member of the First Presbyterian Church of San Bernardino. Monies for the scholarship are derived from interest earned from this gift.

In keeping with the values and ideals of the donor, the Scholarship Committee of the Session has established guidelines for the granting of the scholarships.
To be eligible to be considered for the Leonard Family Scholarship, follow the guidelines below and return the application with your responses and a current or most recent transcript to the church office NO LATER THAN 4 P.M. on FEBRUARY 28th.
1. The applicant must be a proven scholar at the college level. This means on the date the application is due the applicant will have successfully completed one or more semesters/quarters at the college level and submit a transcript or grade report on coursework completed from an accredited college or university.
2. The applicant must be a member of and directly involved with the First Presbyterian Church of San Bernardino.
3. The life of the applicant must demonstrate Christian commitment through involvement in worship, service, and study in our church.
4. The applicant must have a planned academic goal with a timeline for completion.
5. The applicant must be able to demonstrate how his/her goal will be of benefit to others.
After review of the applications, the Scholarship Committee will interview selected candidates. The recipients will be announced in the spring and presented to the congregation on the last Sunday in June. Monies are distributed in two allotments, the first in August and the second in January. The committee will determine the size and number of scholarships and has the authority, at its discretion, to waive any of the above guidelines.
The Interview
The purpose of the interview is to allow the Scholarship Committee to formally meet with you to review your application and give you the opportunity to clarify or expound on any of your statements. Please be on time and dress appropriately as you would for a job interview. Jeans, t-shirts, shorts, sweatshirts or flip-flops are not considered appropriate.
The scholarships will be renewed for up to four years provided funds are available and if (a) a completed application is submitted; (b) the scholar has maintained a G.P.A. satisfactory to the committee and continues appropriate progress toward their goals; (c) the scholar has continued to maintain Christian service and association with this church or Christian fellowship at the place of study.