Healing Our Community

Violence, pandemic, economic issues, racism – there is much to grieve , much to heal, and something for each of us to do.

Whatever the sources of our wounds,  our First Pres community leans towards: interfaith cooperation & mutual support, actions based on partnerships, science, and love; contemplative reflection & prayer, and the hope that our worst is redeemed in God’s ultimate, certain, and all-encompassing love.

Dec 2, 2015 Mass Shooting at Inland Regional Center

Following the terrorist attack of December 2, 2015, San Bernardino clergy made individual and collective efforts to bring wholeness and unity. This mass shooting & attempted bombing at an annual holiday training event of our County Public Health Dept, killed 14 people and seriously injured 22 others, leaving many in grief and fear.

Interfaith Activities:

We continue our commitment to interfaith understanding, not to divide along religious lines but to appreciate our unique gifts and our common humanity.

March 22, 2019
First Pres co-hosted the 2019 Religious Founders Day interfaith event with our friends from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on the Importance of Prayer in time of need.  .

The interfaith assembly recognized former  City Mayors Pat Morris and Carey Davis for their service to this community in times of need,.  The Ahmadiyya Community provided Dinner.  Two of our girl scouts led us in the pledge of allegiance.  Dave Thomas pulled together a hospitality and security team of 2 San Bernardino Police officers, SBHS interns, young adult members, and experienced ushers.

We also participated in the March 22, 2018 Ahmadiyya Muslim Community & Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints Interfaith Event: Protecting the Dignity and Honor of Women and  in 2017 regarding Refugees, Dignity, and Humanity.

Earlier activities:

In August, 2016, First Presbyterian Church and The Presbytery of Riverside sponsored a free workshop open to the community on building resilience with the support of Presbyterian Disaster AssistanceFirst Presbyterian Church, Encino has provided kindness and support.

Ash Wednesday, 2016:  Kids & Cookies

Having discussed what comforts a broken cookies for IRCheart, the freshman LifeSkillz class decided to bake cookies for the employees at the Inland Regional Center.  On Ash Wednesday, 12 San Bernardino High School freshman gathered in our church kitchen, and knocked out 3 double batches of Toll House, about 200 very large cookies, which Sandy Tice and James Welte delivered to the Inland Regional Center.   See Sandy’s guest blog on The Sustainest.

Some of the SBHS students met some IRC staff when delivering cookies at the end of the year.

Round 3

More cookies from SBHS freshman to IRC staff on Spring Break

lifeskilz cookie round 2_cookies and kids thumbs up

The first month after the attack:

Jan 4, 2016:  Pastor Sandy Tice responds in thanks to the many who offered support to our congregation and community as  we are walking forward to To be a Light (pdf) in this community.

Dec 18, 2015:  The San Bernardino Clergy Association released a final version of A PLEDGE TO OUR COMMUNITY FROM THE SAN BERNARDINO  CLERGY ASSOCIATION.

Dec 10, 2015: Tragedy and Community in San Bernardino: Sandy Tice is on a panel of community representatives interviewed at the University of Redlands.

Dec 8, 2015:  Pastor Sandy Tice and Pastor Tom Rennard provided input for a Presbyterian USA article on helping the community heal.

 On Thursday, Dec  3, 2015, one day after the shooting, two NPR interviews:

Among civic leaders and clergy at one of several interfaith vigils

The interfaith work of planning and listening

Planning with interfaith_3

We continue to pray for our community leadership including all of our area clergy as they work together for unity and peace in our struggling, but diverse and resilient, community.

Be… in Christ …Loved. …of Use.