March 6, 2022


Passage: Genesis 1:1-5, Luke 4: 1-4, Luke 4:13, Psalm 84
Service Type:

This is an in-person service being held in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. Today we will bury the Alleluia as we seek God’s presence and guidance as found in the natural world. Join us for Lent, A Season of Earth and Soul. The natural world will focus our prayer, our giving and our fasting (or letting go). The service will be viewable on YouTube on Sunday at and after 10:30 a.m. Videos within the last year are also on our our YouTube Channel.

You can view YouTube Videos in full screen and YouTube provides a Closed Captioning script you can turn on.  These controls are available by bringing your mouse to the bottom right of the YouTube video.


The resources here may support your worship:

    • Order of Service
    • Offering - We give in grateful response to what we have been given. You can mail (use the PO Box) for your gift, or use an automatic bank pay option or an online option.
      • 2022 Pledge card - Fill out & bring or mail to church.
      • 2022 Narrative Budget - 2021 reflections & 2022 hopes
      • If you are a member and haven't paid your $36 per capita yet, the church pays per capita for each member to support the work of the wider church - the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly.  You are able to view our Sunday services virtually because of a $5000 grant from the Presbytery which allowed us to purchase recording equipment, necessary technology and the personnel to operate it. The amount FPCSB sends to the Presbytery is based upon our membership. This year we are obligated and will send a total of $7,848, whether we receive it from our membership or not. 
      • Our children are saving during Lent for the One Great Hour of Sharing in their fish banks.  OGHS supports our neighbors in need around the world through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self Development of People.
      • See Supporting the Church in Uncertain Times – options to give even if not meeting in person.

From William:

Our Sacred Earth liturgies rely on three writers:

It is our prayer that our worship this season may speak to your heart, and ready you for a glorious celebration of Resurrection on Easter Day!

Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-706254. All rights reserved.